Posts Tagged ‘rock imaging’

Turbulence Header

Turbulence is the most powerful Imaging library for Rock and Alternative and it is created by a killer combo of the 3 most rocking countries in the world… The United States of Rock’n’Roll, the Republic of Rammstein and The HOME of the KIWI… yes, Chris Davis is from New Zealand, he lives in New Zealand and works for the iconic 2day FM in Sydney and of course for the most bad ass imaging library in the world – TURBULENCE. I love Chris style and how he interprets the Rock/Alternative Formats… his work for  2day is also impressive. Check his audio, steal some of his presets and enjoy the dirty side of IMAGING. Enter Chris Davis….


How often do I hear excuses,I can’t do this or this is not enough time, I don’t have the gear, I don’t have the right connections, it is not the right timing…Guys, let’s be honest, It is never the right time and everybody can find anything holding him back cross a barrier or do something challenging. Facebook was created with a laptop, so why would you need a certain plugIN bundle, Mac Version, Mixing Desk to create some MAGIC? Whiners find an excuse for any reason not doing something. So here is my story…

You might remember my post about Turbulence and my KIWI friend Chris Davis. Last week one of our writer cam up with a great idea to do a kind of female BOY Scout Song for our Turbulence Format and use a female VO rappin’ it…So, now comes the hard part… How many female does Chris have in his studio on a daily basis rappin’? You though right…ZERO! Check what he came up with by using his wife, Pro Tools and an evening full of LOVE :)…I salute you, Chris…

So, think creative, find solutions, cross boundaries, try new things…YOU CAN DO IT!


Welcome to Rock!

Everything’s allowed and nothing’s too weird to be used in Rock / Alternative Imaging? No script too bad ass? No boundaries? We discuss this and more questions with two guys, who definitely should know the answers….

AND here :)….Hell’s spitting out Benztown’s Rock heads Dan Gustafson and Chris Davis, the Rock / Alternative guys here at Benztown! (Andy: If we ask about “Rock” below, we mean all kind of Rock Formats)

They’ll answer our questions and share their audio, Rock imaging tricks and plugin screenshots with us. Get ready to roll! (more…)

Rock is an unbelievable broad and great imaged format. A format fun to work for – no matter, if you do a more alternative, classic or big balls rock station. What I like about rock is the great combo of wacky, noisy plugINs, FX, the intense beds the mean VO processing + the great and sometimes really bad ass copy writing.

Imaging maniacs were born for that format, legendary stations are still making massive numbers and Guitar Hero is one of the most played games here @benztown studios :)! Check some recent rock productions from Benztown Rock, see a secret PlugIn combo from Fabi & Paul Armstrong and let me know, which rock station do you think is imaged the best.

See some secret PlugIn combos from Fabi & Paul Armstrong and vote for your favorite Rock Station. (more…)

Today Fabi our skateboard loving Rock Imaging Director will show you how to handle extremely complicated music cuts proper by producing a Monster ROCK branding using a FILTER Automation. You can use the same technique also while creating beatmixes, promos or anything where you need to cut music and it is a challenging task to do this proper. Paul Armstrong, the multi Sony Award Winner and legendary producer of XFM in London + benztown HotAC Imaging Director introduced this technique to Fabi. Since this day, Fabi is a real fan and wants to share his favorite trick with you. Check it out and see how the magic works :)….THE FILTER STRIKES BACK ! Today…

To hear more of Fabi’s powerful Rock Imaging click here!


A few days ago we received an email from Kyle. He wanted Cousin :)…HE gets Cousin!

I would like to see just some tutorials on maybe how your Rock/Alt imaging directors set up their sessions and some of the main plug ins they are using.
VO Artists I would like to see have an interview are Malcolm Ryker, Steve Stone and Cousin Deke… are the main one I enjoy.

Thanks Guys!

We reached out to Cousin Deke. He’s Creative Services Director at KDGE FM in Dallas, Texas, an multi format imaging hero (he does 4!!), the main voice for benztown HotAC and very successful part of the Benztown VO Group. Cousin has put a lot of effort into the interview and demo!

Check out Cousin’s demo, his story, his favourite VO settings and his tips for everyone starting out in VO. An incredible detailed interview. Thanks Deke!

Cousin: “but I ain’t getting naked (again) – i learned my lesson on that!  ha.” (more…)

You might know him as Sidey or “Sideshow” Mike Andersen. He is the Imaging guy for Triple M in Sydney, a VO artist and since a few an oscar nominated actor :)…

Like you see: HE is Mr. Triple M! I am thrilled to present you the multi award winning Michael Andersen. I met Sidey when I was hanging in Sydney in 2005 and he was one of my big influencers in what I call content related or creative radio imaging. He had that special something in his writing, his production and as a person. Sidey to me is one of the best writers and creators in the business. His style is ultra creative, surprising and really really funny.

Read the interview, get all the screencaps and check his latest productions! (more…)

In Radio, most of the imaging guys, I know, want to work in CHR / Top40 or at least HotAC. We all love that zip zap, massive exlplosions, panning and layering insanity combined with fast, powerful and driving beats. But what about the guys doing Niche Formats, what qualifies them to do it better than others? What helps them to stay on top of everything, discover trends and connect wit the specific world of their target and listeners? Urban and Rock are these kind of formats to me. Sure there is even more Niche Formats like Bossa, Jazz or Classic, but these guys don’t read production blogs anyway ;).. My Assistant Producer Fabi is the perfect example. He is the perfect match for Rock / Alternative. Why? He lives the lifestyle. Fabi is a Alternative and Rock music addict, he is a great drummer, who plays in several bands, he loves concerts and festivals, is a skateboarder and works as a bar keeper in Alternative clubs all over the place. He knows what’s up, he sees the trends when they are born and he has the skill set to combine and integrate them in his Imaging for Benztown. Fabi is ROCK and ALTERNATIVE – he speaks the language, he lives the lifestyle and he really ROCKS, because he loves the music he is working with. To me that’s the KEY for Niche formats. read why there are always exceptions to the rules