Posts Tagged ‘chris davis’

Turbulence Header

Turbulence is the most powerful Imaging library for Rock and Alternative and it is created by a killer combo of the 3 most rocking countries in the world… The United States of Rock’n’Roll, the Republic of Rammstein and The HOME of the KIWI… yes, Chris Davis is from New Zealand, he lives in New Zealand and works for the iconic 2day FM in Sydney and of course for the most bad ass imaging library in the world – TURBULENCE. I love Chris style and how he interprets the Rock/Alternative Formats… his work for  2day is also impressive. Check his audio, steal some of his presets and enjoy the dirty side of IMAGING. Enter Chris Davis….


Benztown Halloween Madness 3

We finally made it to this years Halloween week and we can’t wait to show our scary outfits, get awarded for the best pumpkin carving and fight our last bit of candy against hordes of sugar hungry trick-or-treaters. What’s the best soundtrack to shorten the time until All Hallows’ Eve? Listening to some scary, spooky, thrilling, frightening, dramatic, doomed, haunting, mystic and of course freaky and funny Halloween Imaging! So here is our this years best of and we hope you’ll enjoy it and get some inspiration! Including work from some benztown formats (CHR, Rock, Rhythmic, HotAC, AC, Country, Classic Hits) by Justin CaseChris DavisJan BrücknerAdam VentonDan Gustafson and myself.

Every one of us remembers exactly, where he was in that particular moment, when he first saw this unreal pictures on TV. The attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon shocked the entire world.
Last year we had an incredible dedication piece of audio done by Paul Armstrong remembering that day in September.  This year we remember the heroes, the victims and honor their legacy with a dedication mashup from various benztown formats including work from Justin Case, Chris Davis, James Stodd, Jan Brückner, Dan Kelly, Adam Venton, Dan Gustaffson and myself.

Hi guys, it’s Andre.

Only a few days left, until April 11. Soon we will know, who’s going to challenge defending champion Paul Duffy in the battle of the Iron Imager 2013.

Now is your chance to show your skills, travel to LA and win $1,000 in cash in an epic imaging battle.

For those, who are just downloading their ingredient packs and can’t wait to start, check out this post to get some inspiration, before you start.

All information on how to challenge Paul Duffy for the imaging crown can be found here. (more…)

How often do I hear excuses,I can’t do this or this is not enough time, I don’t have the gear, I don’t have the right connections, it is not the right timing…Guys, let’s be honest, It is never the right time and everybody can find anything holding him back cross a barrier or do something challenging. Facebook was created with a laptop, so why would you need a certain plugIN bundle, Mac Version, Mixing Desk to create some MAGIC? Whiners find an excuse for any reason not doing something. So here is my story…

You might remember my post about Turbulence and my KIWI friend Chris Davis. Last week one of our writer cam up with a great idea to do a kind of female BOY Scout Song for our Turbulence Format and use a female VO rappin’ it…So, now comes the hard part… How many female does Chris have in his studio on a daily basis rappin’? You though right…ZERO! Check what he came up with by using his wife, Pro Tools and an evening full of LOVE :)…I salute you, Chris…

So, think creative, find solutions, cross boundaries, try new things…YOU CAN DO IT!


Welcome to Rock!

Everything’s allowed and nothing’s too weird to be used in Rock / Alternative Imaging? No script too bad ass? No boundaries? We discuss this and more questions with two guys, who definitely should know the answers….

AND here :)….Hell’s spitting out Benztown’s Rock heads Dan Gustafson and Chris Davis, the Rock / Alternative guys here at Benztown! (Andy: If we ask about “Rock” below, we mean all kind of Rock Formats)

They’ll answer our questions and share their audio, Rock imaging tricks and plugin screenshots with us. Get ready to roll! (more…)

I am so proud of you. The entries we received for Benztown’s first Iron Imager Contest  have just been awesome. The entire jury had a hard time choosing and rating the best submissions, as most of the entries (from all around the world) have been outstanding! Four submissions were ranked first place, by having the exact same amount of points. So the jury was pretty clear on which pieces were their favorite. Check the four best guys and their submissions.

Paul Duffy


Brian Haddad aka “Sludge”


Binoy Joseph


Chris Davis


As we tried to invite all four contestants and change contest rules, sadly Binoy Joseph (Creative Director Radio City Network in Banglore, India) and Chris Davis (2dayFM’s Kyle & Jackie O Morning Show) had to pass, because of visa issues and other work commitments. (personal note from andy: I am really sad, cause your stuff really rocked and I will feature you guys in future blog articles)

So for the final it is Paul Duffy from Ireland (Creative Director Classic Hits 4FM) vs Brian Haddad aka “Sludge” from Philly (Creative Director WIP-AM). They are both battling for the Iron Imager crown at the Worldwide Radio Summit in at the W Hotel Hollywood this weekend. Both fight to become THE 2012 Iron Imager and win $1,000 US.

On Wednesday, you will learn more about our prominent panel of judges, the final contestants and the live session details.